Series RMV Rate-Master® Dial-Type Flowmeter
Brass Body; Three Ranges to 20 GPM Water

The Dwyer Series RMV Rate-Master® Flowmeters measure higher water flow rates with ±2% of full scale accuracy at affordable prices. Rugged forged brass housing is standard on all models for great compatibility and the strength to withstand system pressures to 1000 psig (68.9 bar). Unlike glass tube rotameters, these units won’t shatter and they work fine with even dark and/or opaque liquids. Stocked models are fitted with 1″ female NPT inlet and outlet; 3/4″ and 1/2″ sizes are also available. Install in line, supported by piping or flush panel mount with complete hardware package included.
Product Applications
Monitor coolant flow through ingot heaters, high-amp switchgear, resistance welders, heat exchangers, compressors, scrubbers.Monitor water consumption to different processes and operations for more efficient operation.Calculate required fill or drain times for tanks, water towers.
Dwyer Series RMV Specifications
- Service: Compatible liquids.
- Wetted Materials: Brass, copper, 302 SS, sintered barium ferrite.
- Temperature Limits: 20 to 200°F (-6.7 to 93°C).
- Pressure Limits: 1000 psig (68.9 bar).
- Pressure Drop: 0-5 GPM: 3.2 psid; 0-10 GPM: 5.3 psid; 0-20 GPM: 10.4 psid.
- Accuracy: ±2% of full scale.
- Size: Diameter dial face 4″ (101.6 mm).
- Process Connections: See specific model number on Catalog page.
- Maximum Flow: 1.5 x full scale reading.
- Weight: 9 lb (4.08 kg).
Dwyer Series RMV Features
- Rugged forged brass housing yields great compatibility and strength, allowing the unit to withstand system pressures to 1000 psig (68.9 bar)
- Shatter proof construction, unlike glass tube variable area flowmeters, yields long operation life
Available Models
- RMV-1-3 Dial type flowmeter, 0-5 GPM water, 1″ female NPT.
- RMV-2-3 Dial type flowmeter, 0-10 GPM water, 1″ female NPT.
- RMV-3-3 Dial type flowmeter, 0-20 GPM water, 1″ female NPT.
- -ASF Option adds external pointer to indicate flow limit. Add -ASF suffix. Example: RMV-1-3-ASF.
Available Downloads
Catalog Cut Sheet